wBooking is a leading organization specializing in organizing golf events nationwide. Event - wBooking provides a comprehensive service including consulting and support on choosing a suitable golf course; design, build images and regulations; providing personnel to organize and operate the tournament, as well as other services such as printing, advertising, organizing awards parties and media for
ContactwBooking is proud to be the unit implementing and accompanying the largest Golf events nationwide from 2020. With a comprehensive ecosystem, full service, and a team of experienced professional staff, wBooking puts The mission is to create a system of high quality golf events for the golfer community across the country and internationally.
We provide employer management
Media in this area of solution.
wBooking is proud to be the unit implementing and accompanying the largest Golf events nationwide from 2020
wBooking is a partner with all courses in Vietnam (nearly 60 courses), owning a comprehensive ecosystem: Best price course booking system (24/24 hotline: 024.7100.1088), Mail service Sign up for free Club care with Event, Shop, Sport (HIO Insurance) and reputable internal communication channels to ensure professional communication for tournaments.
Includes consulting and support on choosing a suitable golf course; design, build images and regulations; providing personnel to organize and operate the tournament, as well as other services such as printing, advertising, organizing awards parties and media for the tournament. Providing high-class Doorgifts, trophies and prizes along with unique and professional art performance services.
With a professional process, and a team of experienced, dedicated and creative staff, constantly pursuing the mission: "Power by Services", wBooking is committed to a unique and classy experience for each tournament and person. join.
< 40 Golfers. Cost 3 million/ pax
Mức giá có thể thay đổi, xin vui lòng gọi tổng đài để nhận thông tin báo giá chính xác
Mức giá có thể thay đổi, xin vui lòng gọi tổng đài để nhận thông tin báo giá chính xác
< 200 pax
Setting up the field Setting up the tournament structure Designing the brand identity Pre-tournament communication
Check in and give Doorgilf gifts. Opening competition. Organizing the award Gala
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